Friday, January 30, 2009

A Walk With Nature

Nature can be very uplifting! Today I just haven't had any energy and almost feel as though I'm just down in the dump. No reason for it, just one of those days that for some reason or other I needed an uplifting. After 3 cups of coffee and still no energy, I decide maybe I just need some sunshine which has been scarce these days. Luckily today was a very sunny day and not too cold. So I put on my jacket and headed out with my camera. If I don't bring it I will come upon a 3 headed bird and no one would believe me so now I bring it with me most all the time! Trudging through the mud and dodging all the doggie piles, I head to the hill so that I can overlook the view. What a pretty site it is to look down on the little town. Very peaceful and somehow so majical that after a few minutes of solitude my attitude starts to change. How very lucky I am to be so close to such beauty. My spirits seem to be lifted a little now so I feel its time to head back the way I came up. I take the same path but this time life seems a little bit brighter so of course my outlook is much better. I took pictures of a few things I saw going home that I never noticed walking by the first time. I guess if your in the mood, nature will truely talk to you in her own way. Pay attention!

1 comment:

krissy said...

Oh! This is so sweet! I love the pictures, it makes me want to go out for a nature walk!