Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reaching out

Being under the weather seems like it lasts an eternity!! I've been struggling with this cold that seems to have settled in my chest and my sinuses (if thats how thats spelled). How miserable to not have enough energy to do anything but turn a page in a book that I don't even read, just look at the pictures! I've decided after looking at all the picture books that I'm going to try to get back into making my own cards for people. I rarely spend any quality time with my friends and family because of our "busy" lives. How nice it would be to get a homemade card. So today I rounded up enough energy to go to Michaels and I bought some really pretty paper to make cards out of. I can think of 2 people right off the bat that I NEED to get a card out to. I will make those first.
Card making can be very relaxing so when I'm finally done I will post my finished product! Wish me luck!!

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